Monochromatic Color Scheme This is the use of a single color in varying shades. This can be a clean and interesting and even interesting look to a room. The off whites, egg shells and like wise are great compliments to Amish furniture as well as browns, greens and even some oranges. Bold bright colors used solely in a home décor can be harsh and less appealing to the eye, so keep in mind the feel you want. A solid red, black, bold blue, green etc. décor can be harsh. These types of bold colors are better left as accents than main colors.
Complimentary Color Scheme This is using high contrast of color by selecting colors directly opposite from one another on the color wheel done by putting a warm color with a cool color such as you see with browns and blues often. This puts a warm color with a cool color and is pleasing to the eye.
Triple Color Scheme This scheme uses three colors equally spaced from each other. It is important that the colors are harmonious with one another but adds a nice feel to a room when done right.
Old Classic Sleigh Coffee Table with drawer
Old Classic Sleigh Coffee Table with drawer
42"W x 24"D x 20"H
Optional: Lift Top Instead of Drawers
Optional: Four 1" Ebony Inlays In Tabletop
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I wish I were adventurous enough to use more than one color in on the walls of a room. I've considered it, but never followed through. I've seen some where the colors were at war with each other and I'm afraid I would pick the wrong combinations.
ReplyDeleteToo bad my neighbors didn't read this before they painted their living room and dining room. They used deep dark red and dark mustard yellow and it looks horrible. I don't know what they were thinking. They'll have a heck of a time covering that up too. I hope they hurry, or learn to keep the drapes closed.