There are hundred upon hundreds of places and manufactures you can buy furniture from. The prefabs where the door handles fall off with in a few months, or if you are lucky a few years. But they will break down, the undersides of the drawers, the rollers, and the peeling of the false laminates. Sure, they work great when you are in a pinch, but do they pay off in the end? No, you end up having to replace poorly made furniture. It’s similar to disposable razor, you use them till they can’t handle the job any longer and buy new. But what if you just purchase something that will last a lifetime to begin with? That is what you get when you purchase Amish made furniture. You get high quality furniture that will last forever. Furniture that you can hand down for generations. Furniture that will become a family heirloom.
The time, pride, artisanship, and the careful hand selection of the wood taken in the creation of each piece of furniture the Amish build cannot be duplicated by any furniture manufacturer. Each piece of Amish furniture unique and no one will ever own another exactly like yours. You are better off to save your money and until you have what is needed to buy a piece of Amish furniture that will last a lifetime, accent your home beautifully, and become a fast family heirloom then waste your money replacing anything of lesser quality. At AmishRetail.com, you will quickly see what is needed in the manner of funds to purchase high quality Amish furniture is far less tan what you think. Don’t buy in haste and waste, buy with a lifetime in mind.
Hoosier Heritage 66" 7 Drawer Dresser
The Hoosier Heritage style is characterized by 3/4" solid tops and side panels, cathedral raised panel doors and drawer fronts, unique heritage style feet, and solid maple dovetailed drawer boxes.
Dimensions: 66" x 21" x 32.5"
AmishRetail.com has been selling high quality Amish Furniture since 1998. Although we are based in Salt Lake City, Utah, we have compiled an extensive selection of our favorite Amish Furniture products and accessories from manufacturers across the nation. We sell only the best products of the highest quality such as Amish Dinning room furniture and accessories, Amish bedroom furniture and accessories, Amish living room furniture and accessories, Amish children’s room furniture and accessories, Amish kitchen furniture and accessories, Amish office furniture and accessories, Amish hallway/entryway furniture and accessories, Amish home accessories, Amish dolls and doll furniture, Amish art, Amish jewelry boxes and bible boxes, and so much more.
Partly because of our refusal to sell anything but the best and partly because of our dedication to both our customers and our products, we are the leading Internet seller of Amish Furniture and accessories. You can count on us to provide you with high quality products, great deals, and excellent customer service.
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I could really use a nice dresser set for my bedroom. I looked at your site and the prices, and although very reasonable for what you are getting, it will be a minute before I get saved up what I will need for all I want. It will definitely have to be a piece by piece buy.