If you have a hoarding tendency to you, these tips may help you downsize that urge along with the previous 10 that was presented earlier. As with the previous 10, the first tip is to always have a donation basket to have easily accessible to you to toss items that you no longer really need into for someone who in all actuality does need it. Think of it as doing a great deed for the less advantaged. You could be helping a family of five or a new young adult entering into the world for the first time on their own.
1. Christmas Decorations: Do this during the summer time. Seriously, you are less likely to hold on to every last decoration you have when the Christmas bug hasn’t hit just yet. Christmas decorations are easy to get out of control. Strings after string of lights, some working, some not with your yearly promise to go through them and get the strings all-lighting. And as every year goes by, the strings do not get the replacement bulbs they need and yet you collect more swearing you will attend to it the following year. Each year a few more items are added to the collection and after several years of doing this, you have more containers full of Christmas decoration then you have of anything else in your entire home.
2. Along with Christmas decoration comes extension cords. You have 50 of them amongst your Christmas decorations and another 30 scattered throughout your home. Get them all together and put them in one central ;location and downsize if you see you have a huge abundance of them.
3. Under your kitchen sink, bathroom sink, laundry room, spare bathroom you have cleaning supplies. Not just one or two, but every new fragrance or brand that has come out on the market. Streamline your cleaning supplies to five basic products – all purpose cleaner, glass cleaner, wood polish, abrasive cleaner, and floor cleaner (carpet cleaner to if you have a carpet cleaning machine). That is all you need. Donate the rest.
4. The Dreaded Nightstand… It quickly collects with magazines, finger nail polish, clippers, brushes, hair accessories, books, and well, just about anything imaginable. It is time to put yourself into time out and tell yourself from here on out if there is not a proper place for it, you will toss it. Just as we tell our kids, quit leaving stuff lying around… the same goes for us! Put it away or lose it!
5. Clothes: Oh how quick they collect! I am sure if you went into anyone of your family member’s closet right now you can find at least one thing they do not fit into any longer and one thing that they never wear. In reality, the number will be much higher, but the point is, they are in there and they don’t need to be and someone needy could be getting great use out of those items. Hit the closets… one a day or even take two days going trough them and donate those items that no longer fit or haven’t been worn for a long time.
6. Hats and Gloves. Do you have a hat and glove tote in your closet? The easiest way to keep all those items together in one place for easy access yet during the winter months, quickly the mittens and gloves become pair-less. (Not sure if the sock snatcher steals them too or not.) Every month during the winter months, pair up mittens and gloves and the ones who no longer have a mate either trash or check with the school’s art teacher to see if there is anything they can use them for. Test hats, gloves, and mittens for fit, and those that no longer fit I donate. Check boot size during this time too. Donate what no longer fits.
7. Toys: Monthly have your kids go through their toys to see if there are any broken toys taking up space in their toy chest. Dispose of the broken ones. Ask them to consider if they have outgrown any of their toys; donate those.
8. Dump the Junk… The minute you open your mail, or get it for that matter, toss what is no good. Don’t set it down and say you will get to it later. It will only take a minute or two to thumb through it and dispose of any junk mail. You will be surprised how much neater your desk will appear.
9. Shoes: Love shoes? Is the bottom of your closet a blanket of shoes? If you have over 10 pairs of shoes, you have too many unless you are going out to special functions nightly. It is time to downsize. More than likely many of them are outdate and you are just hanging on to them out of your love of shoes and not that you will be wearing them. Try them on. Walk in them and make a honest decision on if you will ever really wear them again. Donate those shoes you will no longer wear. For the huge shoe fanatic, tell yourself you will donate one pair of shoes and do it. Then revisit the shoes again in a couple months and do the same thing until you have control over your shoes and your shoes aren’t controlling you. Same goes for purses!
10. Garage: Women can be just as bad when it comes to garages. Overhead storage, boxes that haven’t been gone through in years that have been moved several times without ever really recalling what is in them. It is those boxes that need to be gone through and items either tossed or donated. Often times another clutter in garages is bikes that are in partial running condition, toys that never get used, 20 gardening tools all of the same make, etc. Go through these things and only keep what is used.
Laundry Basket - Large
Dimensions 26 x 16 x 13
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I don't believe there is a room in my home that doesn't have at least one basket. Some of them have several. They are so versatile and add much to the looks of each room. I've never thought of using them in the garage though. What a great idea! I'm on it as we speak.
ReplyDeleteMy kids never want to let go of any of their toys no matter how age inappropriate they may be. I hate to go into their play room as it is such a mess. I think that when they are in school I'm going to go in on a daily basis and take out a couple of their oldest toys. I figure within a month I can get the toys down to a manageable problem. I'll get each of them a couple of baskets and let them decide what to keep after that. When the baskets are full, everything else will be donated to charity.
ReplyDeleteBaskets really are the in thing and yours are very nice looking and quite versatile. The ideas you gave were very helpful too.
ReplyDeleteI love baskets and have them scattered throughout my home for a variety of uses. I even have one in my van between the front seats to store some personal items and keep the clutter under control. I didn't have one for laundry before now, but I think I'm about to get one or two.
ReplyDeleteMy cousin bought me this laundry basket but I left it sit for months before I tried it. It was so pretty I didn't want to ruin it. I should have known that it was made to be used. I liked it so well, I've ordered a couple more. I'm going to use one to store towels in.
ReplyDeleteExcellent tips! I could use any type of clutter tips available. Things sure pile up quickly--especially my children's school papers.